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Attorney Benjamin Fruchey Presents on Water Laws and Regulations

FBMJ attorney Benjamin Fruchey was a featured speaker at the HalfMoon Seminar on Water Laws and Regulations held September 19, 2017 at the Livonia Marriott. Fruchey’s presentation titled, “Emerging and Developing Issues in Water Law” addressed Lead (Pb) in drinking water, as well as poly- and perfluoroaklkyl substances (PFASs), an emerging constituent of concern.The HalfMoon Seminar attended

Marijuana Bureau: New Law Will Allow Marijuana to Be Grown, Processed, Dispensed All at One Location

In a bit of a surprise announcement, the Michigan Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation (BMMR) issued an Advisory Bulletin on September 21, 2017 stating that licensees under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA) will be permitted to grow, process and dispense marijuana all at the same location.Previous statements from the BMMR and the Michigan Department of Licensing and

Marijuana Bureau: Dispensaries Can Remain Open, Application and Licensing Fees to Be at Least $14,000

Three months before the state first accepts licenses under the new Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA), the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation (BMMR), an organization contained within the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), is zeroing in on what the nonrefundable application fees will be for those seeking licenses. Meanwhile, the Michigan Medical Mari

Michigan Medical Marijuana Board: Dispensaries Need to Shut Down

Members of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board (Board) sent a clear warning to owners of dispensaries now in operation – shut down the dispensary in the coming weeks or you will not be permitted to operate going forward under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act ( MMFLA) that is scheduled to begin accepting applications in December.In announcing the directive at the Board's

LARA Director: Emergency Rules for Marijuana Applications Coming This Fall

The Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) director, Shelly Edgerton, announced that emergency rules will initially be put in place this fall so that the state can meet its December deadline to accept applications for marijuana grower, processor, and transporter licenses under the Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act (the “MMFLA”). She stated that rumors that applications are a

RICO, Nuisance Lawsuits Pop Up Against Medical Marijuana Businesses

It used to be the stuff of Hollywood movies featuring organized crime. Yet, while the Michigan Medical Marijuana Licensing Board is formulating the regulations that will govern medical marijuana growers, processors, transportors and dispensers in Michigan, courts in a number of states are issuing rulings that will allow marijuana grow operations – even if compliant with state regulations – to

FBMJ Attorneys Co-Author Article for CLM – “When Water Becomes Waste”

Richard Baron, Ben Fruchey and Nicholas Andrew co-authored “When Water Becomes Waste,” published in the June, 2017 issue of CLM Magazine. The article focuses on the significant growth in insurance claims related to the release of water extracted from the ground as a byproduct of oil and gas production, often involving hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and the importance of understanding the pot

MDEQ Changes Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document

On June 20th, 2017, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) issued a bulletin which rescinded segments of its “Guidance Document: For the Vapor Intrusion Pathway,” eliminating certain screening criteria and potentially paving the way for implementation of a new tiered approach to addressing vapor intrusion, originally proposed in April, 2016.The MDEQ stated the reason for the r

New Bill Would Add Background Checks to Marijuana Facilities License Application

A new bill in the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee would require applicants for a facilities license under the new medical marijuana statute to undergo state and federal background checks. This is a significant departure from the legislation already in effect that did not explicitly require such background checks.Senate Bill 433 (2017), put forward by State Sen. Rick Jones, R- Grand Ledge, seek

Richard Baron to Speak at 2017 Perrin Conferences’ Environmental Risk & Litigation Conference

FBMJ attorney Richard Baron will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Perrin Environmental Risk & Litigation Conference to be held June 20, 2017 at the Westin New York at Times Square in New York City. Rich will be the moderator and part of a panel of experienced environmental practitioners and insurance industry personnel examining relevant environmental issues. Their panel presentation titl