April 2017

Improved Michigan Automated Prescription System Now Operational
In what has been identified as a new tool in the fight against opioid abuse and controlled substance diversion, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) announced Tuesday, April 11, 2017, that improvements to the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS), Michigan’s electronic monitoring system that tracks Schedule 2-5 controlled... READ MORE
April 2017

Medical Marijuana Laws to Bring New Regulations Once Appointments Made
A recent delay will likely slow the announcement of specific rules and regulations that will govern the application process for a license under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (the Act). Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a package of three bills that created regulatory framework for the distribution of medical... READ MORE
March 2017

Michigan Bar Journal Features ISIAL in Article by FBMJ’s Joseph McGill
Attorney Joe McGill co-authored an article published in the March, 2017 edition of the Michigan Bar Journal featuring the Incorporated Society of Irish American Lawyers (ISIAL). McGill serves as the president of this specialty bar association comprised primarily of Michigan judges and attorneys with a personal connection to or interest... READ MORE
March 2017

2017 Non-Economic Damages Caps
The State of Michigan Department of Treasury has announced the 2017 Non-Economic Damages Caps for 2017 for medical malpractice claims. With respect to obtaining compensation for the injured plaintiff, Michigan – by statute – places a cap on the amount of noneconomic loss that a plaintiff may be awarded in... READ MORE
February 2017

Kim Sveska & Nicholas Nahorski to Speak at 2017 MPA Annual Convention & Exposition
FBMJ attorneys Kim Sveska and Nicholas Nahorski will be speaking at the upcoming Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Annual Convention & Exposition to be held February 24-26, 2017 at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. Their presentation titled “Legal Updates and More” will address the impact of the opioid epidemic... READ MORE
February 2017

Attorney Benjamin Fruchey Promoted to Associate Principal
Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC (FBMJ) is pleased to announce the promotion of attorney Benjamin Fruchey from Senior Associate to Associate Principal, effective February 1, 2017. Richard Baron, Member, made the announcement. Fruchey started with the firm in 2010 and specializes in the environmental and construction industries, representing clients on... READ MORE
January 2017

Greer: A Pain in the Rear(view)
Greer v Advantage Health has been a drama three years in the making. There’ve been highs, lows, and perhaps a few tears. But, all that is behind us now! Mostly… On January 6, 2017, Governor Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 1104, which remedies the problem created in Greer by ensuring that plaintiffs are awarded... READ MORE
January 2017

Solid, Liquid or Gas: What’s the Matter with Vapor Intrusion?
Imagine yourself as the owner of a small company that is looking for additional office space needed to expand your business. Lo and behold, you find the perfect commercial building, on a busy street, in the town you want to be in, and at the right price. You scoop up... READ MORE
December 2016

FBMJ Hosts Movie Fundraiser to Help Friedreich’s Ataxia Patients
FBMJ is proud to sponsor a very special event, Friday, December 16, 2016 – a movie fundraiser featuring the highly anticipated premiere of the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This charity event will help support a cause that is near and dear to our hearts – helping find... READ MORE
November 2016

Juip Featured in Another Video in the Series, “Two Minutes, What’s the Risk?”
FBMJ Partner, Randall Juip was again featured in the continuing YouTube video series “Two Minutes, What’s the Risk?” produced by ProAssurance, a provider of innovative healthcare liability insurance solutions. In this video Juip explains that statistics show the question of whether a physician will be sued is not “if,” but “when.”... READ MORE