February 2021

Church Offering Parking Lot To Beachgoers Is Free Exercise of Religion Protected By RLUIPA
A Florida court held that a church, as part of its religious exercise, can offer its parking lot as an access point to a nearby beach to general members of the public. Pass-A-Grille Beach Community Church, just outside St. Petersburg, Florida, argued that the local government’s attempts to restrict the... READ MORE
February 2021

2021 Michigan NonEconomic Damages Announced
On January 27, 2021, the State of Michigan Department of Treasury released the 2021 limitations on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases. The “upper cap” limitation was adjusted to $851,000. The “lower cap” was adjusted to a limitation of $476,600. Michigan has placed a limitation on the total amount of damages... READ MORE
January 2021

Michigan Private Schools’ Motion to Enjoin COVID Regs Denied as Moot; School Seeking to Join Lawsuit as Plaintiff as Case Proceeds
A Michigan federal court judge denied a group of parents and nonpublic schools’ request for a preliminary injunction that sought to enjoin COVID-19 restrictions the state implemented in November that precluded the school from hosting in-person classes. The one-page opinion from Judge Paul Maloney said the motion was rendered moot... READ MORE
January 2021

New York Village Settles One RLUIPA Suit, Faces New One From DOJ
A New York village settled one lawsuit alleging violations of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) while the U.S. Department of Justice filed a new, larger lawsuit against the village alleging a broad, ongoing practice of discriminating against religious land uses. The federal government’s lawsuit alleges that... READ MORE
December 2020

Michigan Religious Schools: Michigan COVID Regs Violate First Amendment
A group of nonpublic schools has filed suit in Michigan federal court alleging that the state’s Health and Human Services directive that schools remain closed through December 20 violates the First Amendment. The lawsuit was filed on December 7 by the Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools (MANS), which has since... READ MORE
December 2020

FBMJ Holiday Giving Reimagined
As the holiday season approaches, the attorneys at Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip are finding ways to give back to the communities they serve after a difficult year. In lieu of office gift exchanges, many attorneys have decided to offer donations to non-profit organizations as teams in order to remain... READ MORE
December 2020

FBMJ’s Fara Fundraiser Moves “Virtual” for 2020
So many treasured traditions have changed in 2020, and as you can imagine, so has our traditional fundraiser for the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA). While we can’t gather this year for our traditional movie night fundraiser, we hope that our “virtual outreach” will help continue to raise needed funds... READ MORE
December 2020

U.S. Supreme Court Invalidates COVID Restrictions on Religious Exercise
Just months after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a California religious group’s challenge to COVID-19 restrictions on group worship, the Court blocked such restrictions on religious organizations in New York. The decision, by a 5-4 vote, confirms that the closely divided court has become somewhat unpredictable as to... READ MORE
December 2020

Michigan Gov. Signs Law Giving Healthcare Facilities Liability Protections
On October 22, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed into law House Bill 6159, creating a Pandemic Health Care Immunity Act to protect health care workers against liability for claims arising out of care provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This law was part of a package of COVID-related bills signed... READ MORE
October 2020

FBMJ CARES: Winter Coat/Gear Drive for Foster Closet of Michigan-Western Wayne County
Cold weather is upon us and so is the community’s need for donations of cold weather gear. FBMJ Cares is collecting winter coats/gear to donate to the Foster Closet of Michigan-Western Wayne County. The Foster Closet is an all-volunteer, tax-exempt non-profit organization providing aid to the Foster Care Community. Often children... READ MORE