Richard Baron Appointed Co-Chair for the CLM Environmental & Toxic Tort Committee
Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip Partner Richard Baron has been appointed to the position of Committee Co-Chair for the Environmental & Toxic Tort Committee of the Claims Litigation Management (CLM) Alliance. Mr. Baron has been an active participant in CLM throughout the years, and recently presented to the organization at their Atlanta conference.The CLM Alliance, founded in 2007, is a nation
Attorney Richard Baron Speaks at 2015 CLM Atlanta Conference – Environmental Track
Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip (FBMJ) attorney Richard Baron presented at the 2015 Claims Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) Atlanta Conference on, “Environmental Site Investigations and Remediation: Forensic Issues from Assessment to Zero-Valent Iron” in Atlanta, GA on November 5-6, 2015.The Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) is a national organization that promotes and furth