July 2020

FBMJ Attorneys and Staff Come Together to Help Those in Need by Supporting “Project Can Do”
Since its founding, the attorneys and staff of Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip have been committed to serving the firm’s clients, as well as the communities in which we live and work. Our CARES Committee organizes and leads community initiatives for the firm, including a recent effort to support Lighthouse... READ MORE
June 2020

Away With Solowy? Supreme Court Takes Up Appeal that Could Lead to Expansion of 6-Month Discovery Rule
By: Christina J. Green, Nicole C. Joseph-Windecker and Mitchell C. Jackson How long does a plaintiff have to file a medical malpractice case? Well, that could be changing soon, as the Michigan Supreme Court recently took up an appeal that may give plaintiffs more time to file suit. This appeal could impact the healthcare... READ MORE
June 2020

Attorney Brian Whitelaw Featured Speaker at Society for Vascular Surgery Webinar Town Hall Meeting
On May 15, 2020, FBMJ attorney Brian Whitelaw presented during a live webinar town hall meeting, “COVID-19 Town Hall: Legal and Financial Aspects of Restarting Your Clinical Practice,” hosted by the Society for Vascular Surgery. Brian joined a panel of 5 professionals, including vascular surgeons from the Mayo Clinic, University... READ MORE
April 2020

FBMJ Announces the Promotion of Six Attorneys to Partners
Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC, is pleased to announce promotions of six attorneys to partners, effective April 1, 2020. “We congratulate our new partners for having earned this well-deserved professional achievement through their hard work on behalf of our clients,” said Clyde Metzger, one of the founding partners of the... READ MORE
March 2020

The Ol’ Expert Switcheroo: COA Holds AOM Signed by New Expert “Amendment” and Relates Back
If a plaintiff replaces an affidavit of merit (AOM) signed by an unqualified expert with one signed by a qualified expert, does the subsequent AOM constitute an “amendment” to the original AOM, such that it relates back for statute of limitations purposes? Surprisingly, yes—at least according to the Court of... READ MORE
March 2020

2020 Michigan Non-Economic Damages Caps
The State of Michigan Department of Treasury has announced the 2020 Non-Economic Damages Caps for medical malpractice claims. With respect to obtaining compensation for the injured plaintiff, Michigan has a statutory cap on the amount of noneconomic loss that a plaintiff may be awarded in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Noneconomic... READ MORE
February 2020

COA: Medicaid Lien Reimbursement Made Easy…
On February 4, 2020, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its published opinion in the matter of Theresa Byrnes, et al. v. Jacob Martinez, M.D., et al. This opinion provides much-needed guidance to attorneys and courts regarding the methods used to consider and implement when attempting to settle a lawsuit... READ MORE
February 2020

FDA Says CBD is Illegal to Market & Possibly Unsafe
FBMJ attorneys Kim Sveska and Eric Nordan co-authored “FDA Says CBD Is Illegal To Market And Possibly Unsafe” published in the January 2020 issue of Michigan Pharmacist. The article concentrates on the legal uncertainty of the cannabidiol (CBD) products market. “FDA Says CBD Is Illegal to Market and Possibly Unsafe” discusses... READ MORE
February 2020

Is Your Vape Safe?
According to the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC), as of January 21, 2020, 2,711 EVALI cases (e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury) or deaths have been reported to the CDC. There have been sixty (60) confirmed deaths in 27 states and the District of Columbia, including three (3) from... READ MORE
December 2019

Attorneys Baron, Cortez & Nordan Co-Author Article for CLM Magazine – “The Path Forward For Cannabis”
FBMJ attorneys Richard Baron, Daniel Cortez and Eric Nordan co-authored “The Path Forward For Cannabis,” published in the December 2019 issue of CLM Magazine. The article focuses on legal and regulatory developments in 2019 that signal clarity and confusion for insurers. “The Path Forward For Cannabis” discusses a look back at... READ MORE