
Resources News

September 2017

Image of a marijuana plant

Marijuana Bureau: Dispensaries Can Remain Open, Application and Licensing Fees to Be at Least $14,000

Three months before the state first accepts licenses under the new Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA), the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation (BMMR), an organization contained within the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), is zeroing in on what the nonrefundable application fees will be for those... READ MORE

September 2017

Joseph Patrick McGill Sworn in as Chairman of the State Bar of Michigan’s Representative Assembly

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip (FBMJ) attorney Joseph McGill was sworn in as Chairman of the Representative Assembly for the State Bar of Michigan (SBM) at its Annual Meeting, September 27-29 at Cobo Arena, Detroit, MI. The Representative Assembly is the final policy-making body of the State Bar and is... READ MORE

August 2017

Michigan Medical Marijuana Board: Dispensaries Need to Shut Down

Members of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board (Board) sent a clear warning to owners of dispensaries now in operation – shut down the dispensary in the coming weeks or you will not be permitted to operate going forward under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act ( MMFLA) that is scheduled... READ MORE

July 2017

Joseph McGill Presents Recommendations on Limited Scope Representation Rules to SBM’s Board of Commissioners

Joseph McGill, FBMJ attorney and member of the State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners (BOC), was appointed as BOC liaison to a special work group at the Michigan State Bar tasked with recommending amendments to the Michigan Court Rules and the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct pertaining to the... READ MORE

July 2017

FBMJ’s Medical Malpractice Attorneys Obtain Successful No Cause Verdict

On July 21, 2017 attorneys Clyde Metzger and Carole Empey obtained a no cause verdict on behalf of their clients, an obstetrician gynecologist, a professional services organization of physicians and a hospital. The jury found no malpractice and that the Defendants complied with the standard of care during a DaVinci... READ MORE

July 2017

LARA Director: Emergency Rules for Marijuana Applications Coming This Fall

The Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) director, Shelly Edgerton, announced that emergency rules will initially be put in place this fall so that the state can meet its December deadline to accept applications for marijuana grower, processor, and transporter licenses under the Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act (the “MMFLA”).... READ MORE

July 2017

RICO, Nuisance Lawsuits Pop Up Against Medical Marijuana Businesses

It used to be the stuff of Hollywood movies featuring organized crime. Yet, while the Michigan Medical Marijuana Licensing Board is formulating the regulations that will govern medical marijuana growers, processors, transportors and dispensers in Michigan, courts in a number of states are issuing rulings that will allow marijuana grow... READ MORE

July 2017

Dan Cortez and Anthony Pignotti Appointed to Lead MDTC’s General Liability Section

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC is pleased to announce the appointment of attorneys Daniel Cortez and Anthony Pignotti to Co-Chairpersons of the General Liability Section of the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel (MDTC), effective July 1, 2017. They will both serve a two-year term. The MDTC, established in 1979, is... READ MORE

June 2017

Beating the School Bell: Supreme Court Adopts Lenient Tardy Policy for NOIs.

If a Notice of Intent (“NOI”) is served on the final day of the statute of limitations period when only a fraction of a day remains, is that fractional day tolled and preserved for statute of limitations purposes? The Michigan Supreme Court addressed this question in its June 27, 2017... READ MORE

June 2017

Joseph McGill Presents at 2017 State Bar of Michigan Leadership Forum

FBMJ’s Joseph McGill presented at the 2017 Bar Leadership Forum on June 10, 2017 at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The invitation-only forum is sponsored annually by the State Bar of Michigan (SBM) and is designed to provide training and leadership tools for both the experienced and new Bar... READ MORE