FBM Attorneys Participate in Ann Arbor Hospital Healthcare Symposium
FBM attorneys Clyde M. Metzger III and Judith A. Sherman presented “A Case Study & Documentation Issues” at a recent healthcare symposium held May 12, 2008 at an Ann Arbor, Michigan hospital. Central to their presentation at “Take the Pressure Off – A Pressure Prevention Symposium” was the pending change in regulations by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which will soon mandate non-payment for facility-acquired pressure ulcers. Utilizing a case study and highlighting documentation issues, the FBM attorneys identified how hospitals must refine their approach to the management of patients at risk for pressure ulcers or patients admitted with existing pressure ulcers.
For more information on this and other healthcare related matters, contact Clyde Metzger at @ 734-742-1880 or cmetzger@fbmjlaw.com.