Kim Sveska Appointed to SBM’S Michigan Marijuana Law Section Science Committee

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC is pleased to announce the appointment of attorney Kim Sveska to the State Bar of Michigan’s (SBM) Marijuana Law Section Science Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to educate the Section’s members about marijuana legal issues related to science. Some of the identified issues include biological testing for identification of all marijuana related compounds such as Delta 9 (1) – THC, THCA, 11 or 9-carboxy-THC and related metabolites, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabis, physician issues and treatment, hospital-related issues including the development of inpatient medical marijuana policies and programs, cannabis testing, cultivation and pesticides issues, and health plan insurance and/or coverage issues.
In addition practicing law, Sveska is a registered pharmacist and lectures frequently on pharmacy, healthcare and other legal topics. For more information contact Kim Sveska at 734-742-1815 or email at [email protected].