Richard Baron Reports on Mixing Zone Closure Request for the City of Marquette Cliffs Dow Site

Attorney Richard Baron recently presented to the City of Marquette City Commission about the former Cliffs-Dow site, in a work session and at the Commission’s public meeting on March 14, 2016. He updated the Commission on the steps being taken to improve the opportunities for future productive use of the property, a 46-acre site located on the shores of Lake Superior, which was impacted by legacy contamination caused by historical site operations before the City purchased the property in 1997. The City will be submitting a request for a mixing zone determination to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), which will evaluate the venting of groundwater from the property based upon monitoring data from the Groundwater Surface Water Interface (GSI). The City will be requesting mixing zone approval on the basis that the GSI data indicate that no water quality characteristics require further response activity.
For other environmental response or site closure considerations contact Richard Baron at [email protected].