Pharmacist Attorney Kim Sveska Publishes Article for MPA Journal – “Don’t Forget to Sue the Pharmacist”

FBMJ pharmacist attorney, Kim Sveska, recently published the article “Don’t Forget to Sue the Pharmacist” in the Michigan Pharmacist Journal (2021 Vol. 59 Issue 1), a publication of the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA). The article discusses recent legal precedents that could lead to greater liability for pharmacists.
The Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) is a state professional society active for more than 130 years serving Michigan’s pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and student pharmacists in all settings of practices. Their mission is to serve members by providing support, advocacy and resources that ultimately improve patient care, safety, health, and the practice of pharmacy. Contact Kim Sveska at 734.72.1800 for more information.