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August 2014

Juip’s Presentation Dazzles Audiences at the SCAJ Annual Convention

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip Partner Randall Juip dazzled crowds with his presentation, A Presentation on Presentations, or How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint at the South Carolina Association for Justice (SCAJ) Annual Convention in Hilton Head, South Carolina on August 7, 2014. Randy’s master class was designed to benefit the trial lawyers attending the conference by giving them practical techniques and tips that they can use in their practices. It not only explored the science of proper presentation, but the art of slide design and much more.

The SCAJ is a South Carolina statewide organization dedicated to strengthening the justice system through education and action and to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in the legal profession.

Randy is a frequent speaker on legal technology, healthcare and other legal topics and is an unashamed Mac fan! Contact Randy at [email protected].