FBMJ’s Brian Whitelaw & Anthony Pignotti Obtain No Cause Verdict in Kalamazoo County Case

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip attorneys, Brian Whitelaw and Anthony Pignotti, were successful in obtaining a no cause of action verdict in a recent medical malpractice/wrongful death lawsuit in Kalamazoo County. The case involved a claim made against a FBMJ allergy and immunology client and professional corporation alleging malpractice in the administration of allergy immunotherapy to a 37-year-old patient who suffered an anaphylactic reaction to an allergy shot.
After a nine-day trial in the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Kalamazoo, a 6-person jury returned a unanimous no cause verdict in favor of the Defendants.
For more information on the case or other medical malpractice issues contact FBMJ Partners, Brian Whitelaw or Anthony Pignotti at 734-742-1800.