FBMJ Attorneys Featured Speakers at Hospital Live Lecture Grand Rounds

On November 4, 2019, FBMJ attorneys, Clyde Metzger and Mitchell Jackson, presented “Defending Your Care Through Documentation” to residents, interns, physicians and Risk Managers at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland (SJMO) in Pontiac, Michigan as part of its live lecture Grand Rounds, a continuing medical education (CME) program. The presentation was designed to enhance the medical professionals’ understanding of the importance of following documentation best practices and the legal ramifications of failing to do so.
The presentation included discussions about the anatomy of a medical malpractice lawsuit; the unique challenges associated with electronic health records (EHR), electronic communication, and social media; and strategies for improving patient care and mitigating risk. Actual case studies and cautionary tales were presented to illustrate the adverse consequences of failing to follow best practices.
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland is a 443-bed comprehensive, teaching hospital located in Pontiac, Michigan. It is a member of the Saint Joseph Mercy Health System and Trinity Health which are leading institutions in the development and implementation of CME activities and dedicated to the best professional development of their healthcare staff.
Contact attorneys Clyde Metzger or Mitchell Jackson at 734-742-1800 for more information regarding this or other medical malpractice issues.