FBMJ Attorneys Featured Presenters at MSHRM Event

FBMJ attorneys, Saulius Polteraitis and Carlos Escurel, recently presented “Covid Liability and Impact Medical Malpractice Claims” to the Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Managers (MSHRM) as part of its Webinar series. They were joined by Mike Severyn of ProAssurance on the panel.
The presentation covered the anticipated landscape of malpractice claims stemming from COVID, its impact on litigation, as well as an overview of Michigan COVID liability shields. The presentation discussed national trends in COVID-related litigation, as well as anticipated liability issues for both COVID and non-COVID treatment. The panel explained the basics of COVID liability shields, including the PREP Act, and how Plaintiff’s attorneys may frame claims to circumvent legal protections. The panel also discussed anticipated litigation trends, including changes to discovery, tolling provisions and how hearings and trials will change in the wake of COVID.
The Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Management is an organization comprised of professionals from various aspects of the healthcare industry, including large and small healthcare facilities in urban and rural communities, as well as acute, long-term, and specialty care facilities, hospital insurers, attorneys, and independent risk management consultants. Formed in 1979, MSHRM’s mission is to promote professional development and leadership in the management of risk across the healthcare industry in Michigan.
Please contact attorneys Saulius Polteraitis or Carlos Escurel at 734.742.1800 for more information.