Ben Fruchey Appointed to SBM Environmental Law Section Council

FBMJ attorney Benjamin Fruchey has been appointed to a three-year term on the State Bar of Michigan (SBM) Environmental Law Section Council. His term begins September 18, 2019 and runs until the SBM annual meeting in 2022. Before his appointment to the Council, Fruchey served on the Hazardous Substance and Brownfield Committees, during which time he presented on a new class of contaminants, per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or “PFAS.”
The SBM Environmental Law Section Council members are charged with reviewing laws and regulations pertaining to the conservation and development of the State’s natural resources and assuring those laws are administered fairly. In addition, the Section examines proposed regulations and legislation concerning natural resources and environmental law and educates the members of the SBM and public in areas pertaining to natural resources and environmental law.
For more information contact Benjamin Fruchey at [email protected].