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June 2020

Attorney Brian Whitelaw Featured Speaker at Society for Vascular Surgery Webinar Town Hall Meeting

On May 15, 2020, FBMJ attorney Brian Whitelaw presented during a live webinar town hall meeting, “COVID-19 Town Hall: Legal and Financial Aspects of Restarting Your Clinical Practice,” hosted by the Society for Vascular Surgery. Brian joined a panel of 5 professionals, including vascular surgeons from the Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota, and University of Pennsylvania, as well as a plaintiff’s medical malpractice attorney. A replay of the webinar is available for viewing.

The webinar covered the spectrum of legal and financial challenges faced by vascular surgeons as they restart their clinical vascular services as businesses begin reopening in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the topics addressed were (i) liability pertaining to vascular surgery case prioritization, (ii) resource allocation and coordination, (iii) state and federal immunity laws, (iv) issues pertaining to elective vascular procedures, and (v) medical record documentation.

The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is a not-for-profit professional medical society, composed primarily of vascular surgeons, that seeks to advance excellence and innovation in vascular health through education, advocacy, research and public awareness. SVS is the national advocate for more than 5,800 specialty-trained vascular surgeons and other medical professionals who are dedicated to the prevention and cure of vascular disease.

Please contact attorney Brian Whitelaw at 734-742-1798 for more information.