Dan Cortez and Anthony Pignotti Appointed to Lead MDTC’s General Liability Section

Foley, Baron, Metzger & Juip, PLLC is pleased to announce the appointment of attorneys Daniel Cortez and Anthony Pignotti to Co-Chairpersons of the General Liability Section of the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel (MDTC), effective July 1, 2017. They will both serve a two-year term. The MDTC, established in 1979, is an organization of leading civil defense lawyers in the State of Michigan dedicated to the representation of individuals and corporations in civil litigation. The purpose of the General Liability Section is to promote and facilitate information exchange and ideas concerning all aspects of the defense of products and premises liability lawsuits. “We are both very honored to be asked to participate in such a distinguished organization,” stated Cortez.
In addition to the defense of general liability claims, Dan Cortez specializes in the defense of medical malpractice actions and claims brought under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Fourteenth Amendment. Tony Pignotti’s primary focus is defending health care professionals, corporations, and hospital systems. His expertise also includes the defense of county jail and state prison health care professionals in civil rights litigation brought in Federal Court pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Contact Dan Cortez and/or Tony Pignotti at 734-742-1800 for more information.