Kim Sveska to Speak at 2016 MSHRM Fall Meeting

FBMJ’s Kim Sveska will be speaking at the upcoming Michigan Society of Healthcare Risk Management (MSHRM) Fall Meeting set for October 4th at the James B. Henry Center for Executive Development in Lansing. Sveska’s presentation titled “The Opioid Epidemic – What Happens to Health Care Professionals ‘Breaking Bad’” will address State administrative actions involving healthcare providers associated with overuse, overprescribing, over dispensing or abusing opioids. In addition, he will discuss the process by which a state licensing entity takes action against a healthcare licensee, discuss criminal complaints brought against them and the process used by a Federal District Attorney to take action against professionals abusing opioids.
MSHRM is an organization of leaders in the healthcare risk management field whose philosophy is “Better patient care through awareness and risk reduction.” The Society’s purpose is to provide a forum for individuals directly involved with Michigan hospital risk management to exchange information and ideas. Contact Kim at [email protected] for more information.